When Cupa Cabana’s Barista’s are out serving gourmet espresso and coffee to the Tri-State Area, they are usually asked quite a few questions. One of the most commonly asked is “What is the Difference between a Cappuccino and a Latte?” It is a valid question and can get a little tricky.The answer is in the milk. Making either drink requires our baristas to froth milk. Milk Frothing is done with the built in frothing wand on an espresso machine. Our Baristas will “steam” the milk until it reaches between 140 and 150 degrees (Milk will begin to burn at 160 degrees).

What is the Difference between a Cappuccino and a Latte?Cappuccino                 Latte

2 Ounces Espresso                             2 Ounces Espresso

6 Ounces Foamed Milk                     2 Ounces Foamed Milk

2 Ounces Steamed Milk                    6 Ounces Steamed Milk

As the above recipe and infographic illustrate the portion of the frothed milk is opposite in each drink.

What does all this Really Mean?

When enjoying a Cappuccino expect a fluffier milk consistency, about 70% of a Cappuccino consists of foamed milk and just enough steamed milk to complement and naturally sweeten the delicious espresso at the bottom. A Cappuccino will typically weigh 40-50% less than a Latte of the same size due to the light and airy nature of foamed milk.

The drink received its name from the Capuchin Friars in Italy because of their tonsured white heads surrounded by circular ring of typically brown hair.
In comparison, a Latte consisting of roughly 70% of steamed milk will resemble a cup of coffee with cream. Very little of the foam topping will be noticeable during a sip of your Latte. Despite its’s American origins, the “Cafe Latte” or “Latte” simply translates to “Coffee and Milk” in Italian.

With all the facts these facts in mind, the preference of one to the other relies upon your taste.

Let us know your preference between Cappuccinos and Lattes in the comments section below!

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