There is an extremely large focus on health today. What we eat, what we drink, how much we move – these are all points of discussion. Health trends in the catering business are prevalent now, due to these concentrations. Cupa Cabana would like to share some of these trends with you and give you an update on what we are seeing within the industry.

Health Trends in the Catering Industry - Cupa Cabana Espresso & Coffee Catering


Health Trends in Catering – They’re Brewin’!

Calories are something people are paying attention to. While they are more than happy to cut them, taste is a whole other story. In order to please a more health-conscientious crowd, catering companies are finding healthier alternatives to serve to their guests. Instead of heavy creamers, caterers are offering almond or coconut milk as a substitution. Fewer calories, healthier fats and still adding a delicious taste. Other menu options that are calorie friendly? Light teas, light frappes, and anything made with light, natural ingredients.



Food choices are seeing a turn towards a healthy direction as well. Side salads, artistically carved and served fruits, and smaller servings of high-calorie foods are just a few of the things being seen in the catering menus. Sushi, wraps, stuffed vegetables, and mushrooms, hummus… the list goes on and on!

If you are trying to maintain a healthy focus for guests, talk to your catering company and learn about their healthy menu options. Inquire what they are doing to make healthy choices for your guests.

PS – Interested in catering services with a twist? Cupa Cabana is committed to serving our clientele the best possible product. Our team of highly skilled Baristas bring an element of flair and professionalism to any gathering. With modern equipment, a commitment to quality, and a tradition of excellence – our Gourmet Beverage Service is completely customizable and is sure to please your guests! Visit us for more information

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