It’s finally that time of the year again! We’re so excited to be entering the Spring season after a long and dark winter. The only question left now is, how are we planning to celebrate? Join us as we take a look into an innovative Spring recipe for all the true coffee lovers out there!

When you’re sitting outside feeling the brisk breeze of Spring, having a specialty coffee drink in hand is a must. What’s a better way to compliment the Spring weather than with an iced lavender vanilla latte? It may sound like a complicated drink, but with our easy-to-follow recipe, you’ll be sipping on the perfect springtime drink in no time.

With help from, we’ve put together a recipe that screams Spring. Lavender vanilla iced lattes might not be the most well-known coffee concoction, but we’re here to tell you it deserves the spotlight. Think about it; lavender with vanilla? And coffee? How can you go wrong?

After heading to the grocery store to grab the list of ingredients, pick a good spot in your backyard, grab a book and get ready to enjoy the afternoon with help from our specialty coffee recipe of the day. You can thank us later!

Springtime Coffee Recipe: Iced Lavender Vanilla Latte


Lavender Vanilla Syrup

  • 1/2 cup sugar
  • 1/2 cup water
  • 2 teaspoons dried culinary lavender
  • 2 sprigs of fresh lavender
  • 1 vanilla bean split in half
  • ½ teaspoon vanilla extract


  • 6 ounces milk cow’s, almond, coconut, etc
  • 2 shots espresso
  • 2 tablespoons lavender vanilla syrup
  • Fresh lavender sprig for garnish


Begin by placing the water, sugar, lavender, and vanilla bean in a saucepan over medium to low heat.

Break out the whisk and stir it until the sugar dissolves, and then bring the mixture to a simmer.

Let that cook for around 1 minute. Next, turn off the heat and set the saucepan aside. This is when you’re going to need some patience!

Wait until your mix is cooled completely, and then strain the mixture through a filter to remove the lavender.

Stir in the vanilla extract and store your mix in a sealed container in the fridge. Your homemade syrup should be about half a cup.

Now you’re going to want to fill a large glass with ice, add milk & syrup, and then stir everything together. Here’s the fun part! Pour in your espresso shots and give it a good stir!

Want to get fancy? Garnish with a sprig of fresh lavender, and you’re ready to go.

While you’re sitting outside enjoying your lavender latte, grab a picture and tag us on Instagram or Twitter!

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