Ah, the magic of coffee. For coffee aficionados, it seems as if this precious bean can already do so much. But, it does have some characteristics that you may not be familiar with! Read on and join us as we dive into a few surprising coffee facts.

As New York City’s premiere coffee catering company, we know all about how coffee can be the best possible finishing touch for your event. While our mobile espresso bars are keeping your guests excited, here are a few coffee fact conversation starters. But, just like a cup of black coffee, try not to come off too strong.

5 Coffee Facts That Might Surprise You

1. Drink coffee, live longer.

According to a study performed by the experts over at Harvard, coffee drinkers who average about 4-8 cups per day typically live longer lives. The health benefits don’t stop there! Studies have also shown a reduced risk of heart disease as well as type 2 diabetes and Parkinson’s. Who said an extra cup of coffee can hurt?

For more on the health benefits of coffee, click here!

2. A 9-foot tall cup is the largest cup of coffee ever filled.

The Guinness world record for the most massive cup of coffee tops out at about 9 feet tall. With over 3,000 gallons, now that’s a way to start your morning!

3. Only two states in America produce coffee.

Opposed to popular belief, the United States has only two states that can cultivate coffee. Due to the weather in Hawaii & California, several coffee makers have elected to farm our favorite bean right here at home.

4. Brazil grows the most coffee in the world.

Within the beautiful county of Brazil lies some of the best and most abundant coffee farms in the world. According to the International Coffee Organization, Brazil is responsible for one-third of the entire globes coffee supply. Who else is down to make a trip there soon?

5. Coffee grounds can be used as skin-care.

Are you like many suffering from acne-prone skin? Believe it or not, ground coffee beans repair & rejuvenate the surface of your skin. As noted by Good Housekeeping Beauty Lab chemist Danusia Wnek, “coffee grounds are physical exfoliators that can lift off dead skin cells, making skin feel smooth and look brighter.”

(with help from https://www.goodhousekeeping.com/)

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