Having a mobile coffee and espresso catering service includes indulging in a proprietary blend of espresso beans from around the globe. It also means artisanal premium espresso & coffee distributed to your guest at the moment they request it. The waiting your guest will do will only be during the preparation of the perfect cup. Therefore having a cart at your event can be a source of knowledge and education for your guests.


Coffee and Espresso Catering - Cupa Cabana


Mobile Coffee and Espresso Catering Service

There are a few reasons that a mobile service will benefit your event. Let’s touch on a few perks 🙂

Having access to a roaming expert

Attentive and professional trained Barista staff run a mobile cart. They love the craft and they love the bean. They are interested in your guest having an experience. A cup of coffee can warm your spirit. Having an expert on hand to explain the history and origin of a cup can be an added benefit to an event.

Mobility = Reach More People

The commercial, high powered equipment can make a difference in the flavor profile of the coffee. You will never want to serve the traditional coffee pot coffee that has been sitting all day. A mobile cart can hold the finest equipment and craft cups of coffee to order upon request.

Very Personalized

The guest will have popular flavoring syrups and all the accouterments they desire for their coffee. They can choose the bean, the brewing method, and the flavor that is just right for the occasion. Remarkably, coffee is one of the top commodities on earth. It can easily be served at least a dozen ways. Treat your guest to a very personal delight.

The mobile cart coffee can be the moment your guest will relish at the end of an event. Sending them home with a memory and fuel in their heart to discover the perfect cup of coffee.


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