Hello, Spring! Goodbye, Winter! And you know what that means! It’s the start of NYC wedding season!

NYC wedding
If only it was so automatic. March can feel like the entire winter was condensed into 31 days and then those 31 days were each stretched from 24 to 48 hours. Anymore, February always manages to churn out some wildly unseasonal day—80 degrees, a perfect, golden sun—that gets our hopes up. We’re almost there! Only for March to come along and pile us under feet of heavy, wet snow.

But you know what’s even more disappointing than March? April. April, we have such high expectations for. The tide has turned, things are growing and getting green again. The Aprils of recent memory, though, have been dark, wet, and cold.

If you have a wedding on the horizon, we’re not telling you anything here you don’t already know. And likely wake up in a cold sweat thinking about most nights. So let us float an idea that should at least alleviate some of that anxiety: A hot-apple-cider, NYC wedding in April.

There’s nothing you can do about the 10-day forecast. That’s not true. You can stress over it. But that, of course, won’t change anything. You can, though, plan for the worst and hope for the best. A hot apple cider bar sees you through both scenarios.

An overcast sky, an outdoor ceremony chased by a cocktail reception on the patio, and overly optimistic guests dressed in summer dresses and lightweight suits is a recipe for a wedding that’s going to jump the rails before the entrées are even served. But mugs of steaming, hot apple cider become an instant pacifier.

The sky’s still gray, it’s still way too cool, and it’s probably going to rain before the night’s over. Your guests are still inappropriately dressed. And the wedding planner’s not budging about moving the whole thing inside. Moods lift, however, in direct correlation with the temperature of a drink.

A hot apple cider bar, we know, is something you expect to find at a late-fall or winter wedding. You held out for April because you wanted something different. We get it, we do. You can stick to your guns and have the wedding you spent the better part of the last year fixating on. Or you can have the wedding that everyone will remember because somehow, impossibly, you thought of everything. That’s what a hot- apple-cider, NYC wedding in April says.

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