We have all heard, or been asked about New Year’s resolutions. Usually, it’s about weight loss, or saving money. However, consider resolutions surrounding coffee itself? Both weight loss and saving money may be achieved by altering one’s morning/afternoon routine when brewing a cup of their favorite tea, coffee or espresso. If you are considering resolutions, hear some of the ideas the team at Cupa Cabana suggests in order to maximize your 2016 resolutions.


Create Your Own Cup in the New Year

Take a break from buying commercial chain coffee. Do you know how much money you spend annually on a cup of coffee, an espresso, or other beverage on the go? Marianne Cordillo, owner of Cupa Cabana can help give you an idea in the latest segment on our YouTube Channel: How the Average Coffee Drinker Can Save $1,000 a Year.

Spice it Up in 2016

Instead of going out and spending money on specialty blends of coffee, why not create your own medley of flavor? There are a number of ways to infuse flavors, herbs, and spices to coffee in order to boost taste, as well as health benefits. Some flavors to consider? Cinnamon, vanilla, cardamom, chicory, or hazelnut essence. Some infusion methods include:

  • Store coffee beans with whole herbs
  • Add ground spices directly to coffee grounds prior to brewing
  • Add a drop or two of pure extract to your cup
  • Create your own syrups to add to your cup of coffee

Consume more H2O by Brewing T-E-A

If consuming more water is on your list of healthy habits to adapt in 2016 – why not do so by consuming more tea? One of the biggest struggles we hear when it comes to adding more water to someone’s daily intake is that there is no “taste”. By drinking more tea, you are adding flavor as well as herbal benefits and other positive ingredients to the suggested 64 ounces that should be consumed daily. Tea is a great way to add a healthy spin on otherwise drab water.

Tool TLC

Keeping coffee and espresso brewers, grinders, etc. clean and residue-free is a crucial step to having the best tasting beverages possible. While they sell cleaners in most major drug stores, Targets, or Walmarts, there are plenty of DIY/more natural ways to treat and maintain the cleanliness for your hard-working machinery. Hot water with White Vinegar is a gentle, yet effective way to purify some of the lasting residues that eventually may build over time. Make a note in your planner, calendar, or on your Smartphone as a reminder of when to clean your machinery.

What matters most to you in 2016? Regardless of what each and every individual wants to fill their “cup” within the New Year, one thing is certain: make it the best quality you can find. Best wishes to all of our readers, followers, friends and families a prosperous 2016.

coffee, espresso, tea

Photo Credit: Fit Girl Code

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