In today’s society, weight and health management are largely discussed topics. Vitamins, supplements, and other means of a healthy lifestyle are heavily promoted and discussed. What if a healthy lifestyle didn’t need fancy pills or hundred dollar smoothie kits? What if a healthier lifestyle could begin with a few additions to an already regular routine? Additions of spice to a hot beverage have been linked to healthy body processes and maintaining a wholesome lifestyle. Adding them to your diet can help achieve those goals.

Cinnamon tastes delicious, yes. However – did you know that cinnamon has been regarded as a natural antiseptic, with germ killing capabilities? Cinnamon is packed with antioxidants, is linked to a healthy reduction in blood sugar levels, and may also fight cancer.
Pain relief. Body detoxing. Increased healthy function of the immune system. All of these benefits have been attributed to the wonderful little spice called nutmeg. Nutmeg comes from the evergreen tree, yet – is a slightly sweet tasting spice (not piney). It is important to note, however, too much nutmeg can lead to negative body effects. Small amounts of nutmeg are beneficial, large amounts may cause vomiting, hallucination, or seizures.
Ginger in hot tea is not uncommon, but are you aware of what ginger does to the human body? The answer is great things. Thousands of years ago, ginger was a coveted luxury. The root of the ginger was boiled in tea, and has been said to aid digestion, fight colds and the flu, as well as reduce nausea.
Coconut Oil
Yes, coconut oil isn’t a spice, however, its health benefits are vast. Coconut oil aids in healthy digestion, boosts metabolism, fights infection, and can even be used in skin care. Mix a teaspoon of coconut oil into a hot beverage and drink while hot.
Make sure to do research and consult with a doctor before placing yourself on a new diet or health plan. Knowing side effects and proper dosage is important in order to keep your body functioning at its highest capability.
Are there spices you add to coffees, teas, or smoothies that are beneficial to a healthy body?