As you may know, we source coffee beans from all over the world. Spanning from here in North America to South America and beyond, the beans to our morning fuel aren’t always hard to find. What can be tricky, though, is pinpointing countries with only the highest quality coffee beans.

Sure, a cup from your local Starbucks is good for now, but it’s time for an upgrade. Here at Cupa Cuabana, we pride ourselves on sourcing our proprietary blend of beans from a select few sources all over the globe.

Are you ready to get in on a few of our secret spots? Read on to learn about where you can find the highest quality of coffee beans from three countries you may not be expecting.


One of the most well-known exporters of coffee, Columbia in South America is well regarded for the its high standard of coffee beans. Due to both the expertise and persistence of local farmers paired with an ideal natural environment for growing, this country is coffee bean paradise. It doesn’t come to much of a surprise that out of every country in the world, Columbia ranks second in total yearly yields.

One of the highest grades available, Colombian Supremo, has a delicate, aromatic smell that is more on the sweet side. You don’t know what you’re missing until you try it!

3 Countries Growing the Highest Quality Coffee Beans


Grown near the base of Mount Kenya, you’ll find an abundance of small farmers working to keep up with the high demand for coffee beans from this region. Kenyan coffee remains a favorite in Western culture because of it’s sharp and fruity acidity combined with an incredible full-bodied flavor.

Quality is at the forefront of coffee beans from Kenya, making it’s spot on this list an easy choice. Since all beans are monitored closely for consistency and quality, Kenya has come up with its very own grading system.

According to the National Coffee Association, “Kenyan AA is the largest bean in a 10-size grading system, and AA+ means that it was estate grown.” With a grading system of their own, you can be sure that each batch from Kenya is as robust as the last.

3 Countries Growing the Highest Quality Coffee Beans

Costa Rica

Some refer to coffee from Costa Rica as having a perfect balance, and we can’t disagree. Producing only wet-processed Arabica beans, the flavors of coffee that come out of this country are medium-bodied with sharp acidity.

Give a blend from Costa Rica a try for yourself and see what all the hype is about. You won’t be disappointed!

3 Countries Growing the Highest Quality Coffee Beans

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