What’s your go-to coffee flavor in the morning? According to coffeetutorial.com, the three most popular flavors in the world are french vanilla, peppermint, and hazelnut. No surprises there! All three of those flavors are staples in the world of coffee.

Aside from those three classics, what about stepping out of the box and trying something new? Trust us, we know how hard it is to get out of the scared routine of brewing your coffee every morning. But, you never know what you might find when you step into the unknown! Join us today as we discover three coffee flavors that you’ve likely never heard of.

Maybe these won’t replace your daily dose of caffeine, but they are perfect for the day-off when you’re willing to risk switching things up.

Jack Daniel’s Coffee

Coffee Flavors You’ve Probably Never Heard Of

Wait, whiskey and coffee? That sounds like a dangerous way to start the morning. Not too worry! During the brewing process, the heat involved will eliminate any actual alcohol so you can hop in your car safely. Fortunately for Jack Daniel’s fans, your coffee will still maintain that earthly whiskey aroma so many know and love.

Taco Coffee

Coffee Flavors You’ve Probably Never Heard Of

Taco Tuesday – but for coffee, now that’s unique! Spicy Taco coffee by Coffee AM is infused with Mexican spices and even a meat-flavored undertone. This flavor could sound a bit off-putting, but taco coffee could be right up your alley if you like a breakfast burrito.

Protein Coffee

Coffee Flavors You’ve Probably Never Heard Of

One of the most popular trends in the past few years has been pro-coffee, the combination of protein and coffee. Although this is less of a flavor and more of a feature, protein coffee often has a varied taste than the traditional brew. Protein coffee is also perfect for those who enjoy a nice morning workout to kick off the day.

Give it a shot, and let us know if you think both the protein and coffee combination is worth the hype!

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