Whether at home or at work, we all love to be appreciated.

Think of the last time someone poured some gratitude on you. It might have been a brief “thank you,” or a long and flowery tear-jerking tribute. Either way, recognition can bring on a severe case of the warm and fuzzies.

It’s no surprise. As humans, we’re hard-wired to seek out proof of our self-worth. When we’re appreciated, it confirms that we are important and valued. This is just as true in the workplace as it is at home. Maybe even more so, since we spend most of our waking hours at work.

By showing appreciation to your employees, you are boosting their self-esteem, which creates an even more engaged and productive workforce. Sounds like a slam dunk to us.

The question is: HOW can you show employee appreciation?

Well, we might have an idea.

Express Your Employee Appreciation with Espresso

People have come to expect holiday parties, but what if they were surprised with something unique that was “out of the blue?”

What if you arranged for Cupa Cabana to create a cozy coffee shop oasis right inside your office building? Imagine the looks on your employees’ faces as they smell the unmistakable aroma of the delicious barista-crafted espresso drinks. And it’s all there for them to enjoy as a thank you for being awesome.

Yep. They are impressed with your employee appreciation! And you know they’ll be telling their friends all about how their fantastic company spoiled them with coffee treats. (Upon hearing this, most of those friends will want to work at your company, too. So be prepared for an onslaught of applications.)

One potential byproduct of showing gratitude to your employees is that they are likely to be motivated to continue and possibly level-up their efforts on the job. We’d say that’s a positive side-effect!

Of course, a mobile espresso bar isn’t the only way to show your employees that you value them. But we happen to think it’s the best.

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