We’ve been talking all about transitioning into summer lately and everything that comes with it, can you tell we’re excited? Even as we feel the lasting effects of COVID-19, the Cupa team is gearing back into our regular routines. It may not be the best time for the event industry, but that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy a Cupa classic right in the comfort of your backyard!

Bringing back the classic flavors of an Arnold Palmer half-and-half, today’s recipe is both refreshing and full of flavor. Just as the name reads, cold brew lemonade brings on a fresh summer twist you can’t miss! Read on to learn about how you can master this recipe and later impress your friends at the next pool party. Cheers!

Cold Brew Lemonade
sourced via Prima Coffee Equipment

Cold Brew Lemonade Recipe

Chilled coffee is a popular go-to in summer, but a lot of us are craving a little bit more than our traditional go-to’s. If you love cold brew, this is the perfect drink to get things started. Cold brew lemonade is both sweet and tart, and most importantly, easy to make.

Gather the ingredients below, and let’s get started!

  • 1-2 oz lemon juice
  • 20-30 g simple syrup
  • 4-5 oz water
  • 4-5 oz cold brew
  • Don’t forget the ice!

Simple syrup recipe:

  • 100 g demerara sugar
  • 110 g hot water
  • Mix until dissolved, then chill.

First things first, we need to take care of the lemonade base. Start by mixing the lemon juice, simple syrup, and water into your cup. Make sure the lemons you’re squeezing are ripe and not too tart! The last thing you want to do is turn your cold brew lemonade into a sour warhead.

Once you get to the point when you’re satisfied with the lemonade, here comes the good part. Get a couple of ice cubes, and pour up the cold brew. No need for too much; try to find the perfect balance between lemonade and coffee. Stir it up, and enjoy!

(with help from https://prima-coffee.com/)

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