We love sharing our knowledge of coffee! We wanted to give our readers information in a fun, visual way – so we are introducing the first Cupa Cabana Coffee Infographic!
Coffee Infographic Main Points
- Coffee, as a world commodity, is second only to oil.
- 54% of Americans over the age of 18 are daily coffee drinkers.
- 35% of coffee drinkers drink their coffee black.
- 65% of coffee drinkers add cream/sugar.
- People who increased their coffee intake by more than one cup per day over a 4-yr period had an 11% lower Type-2 Diabetes risk.
- The risk of liver cancer is reduced by more than 50% for those who drink at least three servings of coffee daily, some studies suggest.
- Coffee is the leading source of antioxidants in American diets.
- Coffee contains trigonelline, an anti-bacterial with a pleasant smell and a factor in cavity prevention.
- Coffee is a source of magnesium.